Friday, November 5, 2010

Introduction to Spatial Analysis

1) Spatial scope is the extent or area of the input data used in determining the values at output locations.  Spatial operations are local, neighborhood, or global.

2) The two types of query algebra are set algebra (such as =, <, or >) and boolean algebra (such as AND, OR, or NOT).

3) Two types of spatial selection operations are adjacency and containment operations.

4) Within the Lab9aData geodatabase, there is the LosAngeles feature dataset.

5) Within the Los Angeles feature dataset, there are three feature classes: PtDumeQuad, Vegetation, and Wetlands.  There is also one stand-alone feature class, Wetlands_Project, which is outside the LosAngeles feature dataset but within the Lab9aData geodatabase.

6) There are 10,846 features in the Vegetation feature class.

7) After running the dissolve operation, there are 9 features  in the new VegCov feature class.

8) After running the clip operation, there are 8 features in the new VegCov_Clip feature class.

9) 404 wetland features have their centroid in the Point Dume Quad.

10) There are 123 riverine features.

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